On 05 October 2023, the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova hosted a round table which gathered representatives of the European Commission, business associations from Moldova and the national competition authority.
The purpose of the meeting was to exchange views on the competition policies in the EU and in the Republic of Moldova, amendments to the relevant legal framework in Moldova, main challenges faced by Moldovan business in its relations with the Competition Council, etc. These issues were discussed in the context of the commitments assumed by the Republic of Moldova under the Association Agreement with the EU and following Moldova obtaining an EU candidate country status.
Such an event, organized for the first time in Chisinau, offered the participants an opportunity to initiate an open and continuous dialogue involving the representatives of both the national and the EU competition authorities.
During the meeting, the parties expressed their expectations regarding the activity of the Competition Council and came up with constructive proposals on the harmonization of the legislation. The main concerns in this regard have also been raised.
The message of the representatives of business associations during the meeting was that the Republic of Moldova needs strong competition policies and a strong, independent competition authority provided with administrative resources and powers necessary for the effective implementation of the relevant legislation.
A special focus of the discussion concerned initiatives to raise awareness and advocate for competition policy in Moldova, especially among representatives of state institutions - courts, legislator, other public authorities. It was highlighted that there is a need for awareness-raising around the country and developing information and guidance materials which will increase transparency and the perception of legal rules in this field.
Finally, the participants to the meeting agreed on the need for further continued cooperation and communication in the process of harmonizing the relevant legislation and fulfilling all the commitments assumed by the Republic of Moldova regarding the competition and state aid chapter - where more work still needs to be done - to ensure a prosperous economy and competitive markets.