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We are continuing to implement the series of events dedicated to the Competition Day. Today, June 29th 2018, the Competition Council opened the doors for a group of teenagers. The event was interactive, the Competition Council s guests were acquainted with general definitions of competition and state aid, informed about the latest decisions and resounding cases, as well as about the activity of the Competition Council and took part in an exclusive trip to the Competition Council s Museum. For 11 years already, our team celebrates Competition Day, this year it became a national holiday, celebrated annually on June 30th, when the Law of Competition was adopted in 2000. The purpose of this holiday is to promote a competitive culture among society in order to advance the legitimate interests of consumers and to inform the public about the relationship between the prevention of anticompetitive practices and unfair competition. The establishment of the "Competition Day" will increase the awareness of the necessity for a loyal competitive environment, but also the role and place of competition in a free market economy, a good competition culture can improve the economic performance of a state, open up business opportunities to its citizens and reduce the cost of goods and services. At the same time, the establishment of the "Competition Day" will align Republic of Moldova to good international practices and will allow to discuss and highlight in society the issues of competition at a national level, as well as to promote competition policies. Competition Council June 29th, 2018