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We promote the open dialogue with representatives of local public authorities

18.05.2018   4097 Views     Keywords ↓

We promote the open discussions with the representatives of local public authorities. Today s event brought together over 120 representatives of local public authorities and economic agents from Soroca, Drochia and Floresti districts to a discussion regarding the implementation of competition policies.

During the event, were discussed the implementation of competition law and the National Competition and State Aid Program, in particular: the role of local public authorities in the protection of a competitive environment, upholding the competition law in supplying the Service of General Economic Interest, the summary of the National Program in the field of competition and state aid, current identified problems, the proposed directions of activity.

In this respect, Viorica CĂRARE, President of the Competition Council reiterated the importance of strengthening the efforts to deregulate the economic sectors and open them towards a competitive economy, which is the main purpose of the National Competition and State Aid Program.

The event was organized with the support of World Bank Group Implementation Unit.

Competition Council

May 18th, 2018



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