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The Competition Council examines the simplified notification received from the Agency of Interventions and Payments for Agriculture
The Competition Council examines the simplified notification received from the Agency of Interventions and Payments for AgricultureThe Competition Council examines the simplified notification received from the Agency of Interventions and Payments for Agriculture regarding the budget increase of the support measure no.8 on to the Stimulating investment for the infrastructure development and post harvest processing, of the Government Decision no.135 from 24.02.2014, regarding the distribution procedure of agricultural producers subsidizing fund for the year 2014. The notification became effective on 26.11.2015. The Competition Council is interested in receiving comments and opinions from third parties on this notification, which may be mailed to the following address: Chisinau Municipality, 73/1 Avenue Stefan cel Mare si Sfint, MD-2001, e-mail: or by fax no.: +37322-27-06-06.