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The Competition Council participates at the Competition Global Forum organized by the OECD

04.11.2015   3290 Views     Keywords ↓

For the first time, the Competition Council participated with a speech at the OECD Global Forum of Competition

The speech under the topic „ Does competition kill or create jobs – links and drivers between competition and employment”, was delivered by Mrs. Viorica Carare, the President of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova and included a description of the normative mechanisms that helped to create / maintain jobs in Moldova, but also the role of the Competition Council in promoting the regulatory framework in the field of competition and state aid.

The event took place from 29 to 30 October 2015 in Paris, France and brought together over 100 delegates from around the world represented by senior officials.

Discussions at the forum focused on the following topics:

1. Does competition kill or create jobs? Direct and indirect connection between competition and employment

2. Competition law and competition policy in Kazakhstan

3. Impact of innovations in connection with the term "creative destruction" in competition law enforcement.


Competition Council participates for the second time in OECD annual Global Competition Forum the mission of which is to promote policies for improving of economic and social welfare of people worldwide.


Competition Council

04 November 2015




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