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Strengthening and deepening the Moldovan-Estonian partnership in the field of Competition

08.12.2014   3002 Views    

     From 2 to 4 December 2014 the delegation of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova,  jointly with representatives of the National Agency for Energy Regulation (NAER) and the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (NRAECIT) conducted a study visit to Estonia under  Development Cooperation Project "Promoting good governance at Competition and Regulatory Authorities of the Republic of Moldova: public administration, e-governance and inter-institutional cooperation", funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia in partnership with Law School of Tallinn University of Technology.

     During the visit meetings were held at the Estonian Competition Authority, the Law School of Tallinn University of Technology, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and the e-Governance Academy.

     Talking with the experts of the Estonian Competition Authority a number of questions related to the competitive practical aspects of the electricity market unbundling in Estonia have been addressed. Also, concrete cases with reference to the detection and investigation of cartel agreements, the peculiarities of each case and the application of competition law in those cases were discussed. Concomitantly, Estonian experts presented competitive and regulatory issues in water and water waste service in Estonia, emphasizing the role of local authorities in this field.

     In the meetings at the Law School of Tallinn University of Technology and e-Governance Academy successful projects carried out by these institutions in recent years were presented.

     The constructive dialogue held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia was focussed on the successful implementation of the current project and on discussions with reference to the opportunity to continue the collaboration by diversifying the cooperation actions for assimilating the experience of Estonian experts in the field of adjusting the competition legal framework to European standards.

     Also, the delegation visited the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Tallinn.

     To note, that under the same Project, in May this year, the Estonian experts had a two-day visit to Chisinau and conducted trainings for our specialists in the field of mergers, anti-cartel enforcement and with reference to competitive issues in the financial and telecommunications sectors.



Competition Council

08 December 2014

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