"Law on State aid can become more efficient, and its implementation more faster, by discussing it with providers of state aid” said the President of Competition Council at a meeting with local public authorities in Cahul and Cantemir .
November 28-29, Viorica CARARE, President of the Competition Council was in the South of the country in order to discuss about Law on State aid with local public authorities of the south of the country.
The President of Competition Authority spoke about methods of granting state aid, criteria and its forms. A special place in discussion was made for the establishment of the role of local public authorities in implementing Law, which controls subsidies, cancellation or debt assumption, exemptions, reductions and postponements of payment of taxes, loans and guarantees, discounts on goods and services supplied.
During the meeting, discussions took place, establishing mechanisms for identifying state aid, stressing once more that the State aid Law complies with European standards.
Competition Council
November 29, 2013