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Merger, conflicting with the competitive environment

23.07.2015   4458 Views    

The Competition Council sanctioned "Scavolin" SRL with a fine of over 21mln. MDL for the take over of "Anesto-Tur" SRL, action which constitutes a non-notified merger, conflicting with the competitive environment.

At the same time, according to the Decision of the Competition Council Plenum, the concerned undertakings will have to dissolve the merger, so as to restore the situation prior to the implementation of the concentration.

Both "Scavolin" SRL and "Anesto-Tur" SRL are tour operators which create and sell touristic offers. As a result, following the merger, the companies from the newly created group (consisting of several companies) achieved a dominant position in creating touristic offers for the destination „Turkey”, fact that rises significant obstacles for an effective competition on the respective market.




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