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Training session in applying SIRASM

04.12.2014   4234 Views     Keywords ↓

     16 employees of the state aid department, human resources and secretariat of the Competition Council took part, on Thursday December 4, 2014 at the training session on applying the Informational System State Aid Register of Moldova (SIRASM). At the meeting Mr. Sergei GAFTON, the representative of LLC “Trimaran” which develops SIRASM, made a detailed presentation of the system, spoke about the main options and possibilities of this system, emphasis being put on the examination cycle of state aid notifications and reports sent by providers.

     Competition Council representatives were able to come up with questions and proposals relating to the SIRASM’s running, some of which will help to improve the system. The training session is an implementation stage of SIRASM and is a part of the development and implementation project of the system, created directly with the support of the World Bank.

     This project aims to facilitate the process of state aid notification and reporting by establishing a mechanism for monitoring state aid and effective collaboration between providers of aid and the Competition Council.



Competition Council

December 4, 2014

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