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Regulation on state aid granted for the beneficiaries which provide services of general economic interest was published

05.11.2013   9178 Views    

     On 01 November 2013 the Decision of the Plenum of the Competition Council nr. 11 as of 30 August 2013 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova no 243-247 as of 01.11.2013) entered into force, approving the Regulation on state aid granted for the beneficiaries which provide services of general economic interest.

     The Regulation on state aid granted for the beneficiaries which provide services of general economic interest is drafted in view of enforcing the Law on state aid no 139 as of 15.06.2012 and is aimed at regulating the conditions which mult be observed while granting aid by the undertakings providing services of general economic interest, compatibility of these aid categories, beneficiaries categories, as well state aid for providing services of general economic interest which may not be compatible with the competition environment.

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