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Summary decision of Competition Council Plenum No. CN - 36 as of 21.07.2016

29.07.2016   3491 Views    

In fact, on March 03, 2016,  by  the  Competition  Council  Plenum,  there was disposed, based on the Decision no. 1, the initiation of an investigation, regarding the alleged anti-competitive behavior by the company „SUPRATEN" SA to the detriment of the company „Saint-Gobain Byggprodukter AB", Suedia.

During the investigation, the Competition Council,  has found sufficient evidence of violation of the article 19, para. (1) letter b) of the Competition Law no. 183 from 11.07.2012 by „SUPRATEN". These violations were manifested through copy pack of the product packaging, belonging to „Saint-Gobain Byggprodukter AB", likely to cause confusion. Therefore, the Competition Council, has set a fine  of  1051775,65 MDL and has prescribed the termination by „SUPRATEN", of the act of unfair competition referred to in Art. 19 para. (1) letter b) of the Competition Law no. 183 of July 11, 2012.  


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