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Summary of the Competition Council Plenum Decision Nr. APD – 15 as of 14.04.2016

26.04.2016   6096 Views    


On 28 September 2010, the National Agency for Protection of Competition has received the „Starnet" LTD complaint on "Moldtelecom" JSC actions witch was referred to low monopolistic pricing at the launch of MaxDSL pico package.

During the investigation it was found that in 2009 there was not a comparable package with MaxDSL pico on the retail market of Internet access at fixed points.  MaxDSL pico package was the cheapest alternative offered to the market, while being characterized by the smallest speed parameters.

However, according to calculations made by "Moldtelecom" JSC, the average monthly income obtained from practicing MaxDSL pico package exceeded the total average costs relating to this activity.

Moreover, MaxDSL pico launch tariff plan did not have the effect of restricting competition on the retail market of Internet access at fixed points, whereas in 2009-2010 the market share of "Moldtelecom" JSC was decreasing depending of the turnover and of the number of users, while the share of "Starnet" LTD grew.

Thereby, due to Competition Council Plenum decision, on 14 April 2016 it was ceased the investigation of the case, on the ground that during the investigation there were not found sufficient proofs related to the infringement of the provisions of the Art. 6 let. of the Law no. 1103-XIV from 30 June 2000 on the protection of competition which could substantiate the application of remedies or sanctions.



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