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Summary of the Plenum Competition Council Decision no ASS-56 as of 28.07.2015
The National Agency for Competition Protection received a complaint from the Employers' association of cable television operators "Nord" where it is claimed the violation of Article 6 of the Law no.ll 03-XIV of 30.06.2000 on the protection of competition by J.S.C. "RED Nord-Vest" and J.S.C. "RED Nord". The Association claims that RED Nord-Vest and, afterwards with an additional complaint, RED Nord increased tariffs for the suspension of TV cables on electricity pillars from 36 lei to 79 lei. Taking into account that increased prices are not affordable to the cable operators, a situation which will worsen the financial situation of many TV operators, which in the end will have to stop their activity, for those that operate in towns and villages, an alternative other than RED Nord-Vest and RED Nord does not exist. Taking into account the analyzed information no signs were found in the actions of RED Nord and RED Nord-Vest on establishing high pricing for the service provided to cable operators. Based on the findings, taking into account the Moldovan legislation, the Competition Council Plenum decided to cease examination of the case initiated by order no. 60 of 27.10.2011 in relation to no infringement of Article 6 letter h) of the Law no.ll 03-XIV of 30.06.2000 on the protection of competition by J.S.C. "RED Nord-Vest" and J.S.C. "RED Nord". Decizia Plenului Consiliului Concurenței Nr. ASS-56 din 28.07.2015 |