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Summary of the Plenum of the Competition Council Decision no ASS-31 as of 23.04.2015

23.06.2015   2781 Views    

The Competition Council has examined the notification received from the Ministry of Finance, regarding support measure granted to J.S.C. „CET-Nord” with the assistance of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which consists in granting a preferential interest loan for improving thermal energy supply infrastructure, energy efficiency and reducing operational costs.

The value of the support measure lent to J.S.C. „CET-Nord” by the Ministry of Finance is the difference between the market interest rate and interest actually paid, summing to 152,699,270.39 MDL.

State aid granted to modernize the infrastructure of J.S.C. „CET-Nord” is necessary to offer SGEI in Balti Municipality and, by making these infrastructure investments, according to the report conducted by the EBRD, the economy will foster a considerable amount of electricity, reducing consumption of production, which in the long term perspective, will reduce tariffs .

It was found that the notified support measure represents State aid within the meaning of art. 3 of Law no. 139 of 15.06.2012 regarding State aid and it is compatible with the normal competitive environment.


Decizia Plenului Consiliului Concurentei Nr. ASS-31 din 23.04.2015
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